NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, & a resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove on the 18th day of January 2024, the undersigned, as Village Treasurer, will sell at public auction on the 1st day of March, 2024 at 10:00 AM in the morning of that day (prevailing time) at the Village Meeting Hall at 980 Hawkins Avenue in said Village, so much of each of the following parcels of real property upon which taxes are unpaid in order to discharge the taxes, interest & charges which may be due as to each at the time of the sale thereof, & said sale shall be continued from day to day, if necessary, until it shall be completed.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that each purchaser at such tax sale shall pay the amount of his bid to the undersigned as Village Treasurer, within TEN days after the sale, & on such payment will be given a certificate in writing describing the real property purchased & the sum paid therefore. If any purchaser neglects or refuses to pay the amount of his bid within the prescribed time, the undersigned, as Village Treasurer, may at his option, bring action against the purchaser to recover the amount bid by him with costs.

The following is a list of the parcels of real property situated in the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove which are to be sold at the aforesaid time & place, together with a statement of the taxes, interest & charges due thereon as of the time of said sale:

Parcel 1.     Item #6115270, assessed to Elenie Apostol, 25 Forest Ave-0208-007.00-02.00-029.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $752.14.

Parcel 2.     Item #6115370, assessed to Willow Brook Homes,Inc., Stony Brook Rd-0208-008.00-01.00-002.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $41.11.

Parcel 3.     Item #6115380, assessed to Willow Brook Homes,Inc., 1240 Stony Brook Rd – 0208-008.00-01.00-003.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,335.41.

Parcel 4.     Item #6139120, assessed to Rosario & Daisy Ricciardi, 21 Tulip Grove Dr – 0208.008.00-03.00-005.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,099.27.

Parcel 5.     Item #6115060, assessed to Serap & Nezahat Ozkul, 10 Maple St N-0208-008.00-05.00-006.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $882.72.

Parcel 6.     Item #6017110, assessed to Constantine,Catherine,& Michael Krouttron, 83 McGaw Ave–0208-011.00-08.00-032.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,107.97.

Parcel 7.     Item #8104940, assessed to Brak Corp, 103 Hallock Rd–0208-013.00-03.00-006.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,815.72.

Parcel 8.     Item #6155303, assessed to 40 St. Nicholas, LLC, 40 St. Nicholas Ave–0208-014.00-03.00-004.004, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,443.14.

Parcel 9.     Item #6155319, assessed to Raymond Betto, 15 Westcliff Lane–0208-014.00-03.00-004.020, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,296.23.

Parcel 10.   Item #6015820, assessed to Candace Malenda, 2701 Middle Country Rd-208-014.00-03.00-020.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,451.41.

Parcel 11.   Item #8106110, assessed to Lake Grove School, Parsnip Pond Rd-0208-015.00-01.00-008.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $47.65.

Parcel 12.  Item #6051770, assessed to Rudolph Jr & Marian Zetterberg, 1 Sarah Dr–0208-015.00-03.00-004.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $899.05.

Parcel 13.   Item #6054590, assessed to Michael A.& Marie C. Cavallo Family Trust, 11 Sterling Dr–0208-015.00-06.00-006.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $490.97.

Parcel 14.   Item #6054780, assessed to Glenn Siebert, Bragg Dr-0208-015.00-06.00-025.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $47.65.

Parcel 15.   Item #8100877, assessed to Administration of Veteran’s Affairs, 6 Wagner Lane-0208-016.00-01.00-001.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $719.49.

Parcel 16.   Item #6057320, assessed to Kenneth & Grace Jacobs, 3 Brandy Lane-0208-016.00-01.00-033.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $2,110.36.

Parcel 17.   Item #6229906, assessed to Miller Tan,10 Chapel Hill Road-0208-016.00-02.00-003.006, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,470.34.

Parcel 18.  Item #6308220, assessed to Michelle Pappas/Alicia Rijos,96 Moriches Rd-0208-017.00-01.00-001.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $493.15.

Parcel 19.  Item #6308240, assessed to SY811 LLC,94 Moriches Rd-0208-017.00-01.00-002.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $512.73.

Parcel 20.   Item #6309510, assessed to Razvi Homes Inc.,11 Amboy Lane-0208-017.00-01.00-058.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $20.45.

Parcel 21.   Item #6061230, assessed to Joseph & Anna Decanio, 17 Beauregard Dr-0208-017.00-05.00-011.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,186.33

Parcel 22.   Item #6445190, assessed to Ernesto & Cindy Varela, 44 Washburn St-0208-018.00-06.00-006.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,317.99.

Parcel 23.   Item #6427430, assessed to Joseph Reale, 83 Orienta Ave-0208-020.00-02.00-023.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,154.77.

Parcel 24.   Item #6414370, assessed to James Bresnan, Radford Rd-0208-020.00-03.00-001.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $63.97.

Parcel 25.   Item #6414360, assessed to James Bresnan, Radford Rd-0208-020.00-03.00-002.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $830.49.

Parcel 26.   Item #6414360, assessed to James Bresnan, Radford Rd-0208-020.00-03.00-002.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $32.41.

Parcel 27.   Item #8020160, assessed to Jillian Rasmussen & Diego Pancha, 4 St. James Rd-0208.,2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $930.60.

Parcel 28.   Item #6211500, assessed to Steven & Debra Mayor, Fulton St-0208-020.00-06.00-002.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $145.58.

Parcel 29.   Item #6211510, assessed to Steven & Debra Mayor, Fulton St-0208-020.00-06.00-003.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $32.41.

Parcel 30.   Item #6211520, assessed to Steven & Debra Mayor, 87 Fulton St-0208-020.00-06.00-004.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,056.83.

Parcel 31.   Item #6211850, assessed to Burhan Derelioglu & Beatriz Alina Narbon Cuadra, 88 Penn St-0208-06.00-033.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $58.53.

Parcel 32.   Item #6211840, assessed to Burhan Derelioglu & Beatriz Alina Narbon Cuadra, 88 Penn St-0208-06.00-034.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $854.42.

Parcel 33.   Item #6212530, assessed to Steve Russell McClenaghan, 83 Olive Street-0208-021.00-01.00-009.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,052.48.

Parcel 34.   Item #6213282, assessed to Larry Sanders, 0208., 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $845.72.

Parcel 35.   Item #6215520, assessed to Michelle Medina & Ivan Uscocovich, Bayard St- 0208-023.00-06.00-020.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $23.70.

Parcel 36.   Item #6452288, assessed to Lofty Rashed Ahmed,883 Hawkins Ave-0208-024.00-03.00-043.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,524.75.

Parcel 37.   Item #6341480, assessed to Theresa & Ralph Marchionna, 16 Lido Blvd-0208-026.00-02.00-025.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,089.47.

Parcel 38.   Item #0400263, assessed to Richard & Dyana Dabrowski, 35 Arbor Field Way-208-001.00-01.00-010.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,709.74.

Parcel 39.   Item #0400288, assessed to Gregory Dawson & Kathy Washington, 4 Bower Ct-0208-004.00-04.00-007.071, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,804.41.

Parcel 40.   Item #0400290, assessed to Richard Dabrowski,3 Bower Ct-208-004.00-04.00-007.073, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,911.06.

Parcel 41.   Item #6011719, assessed to Christopher McCoy, Twisting Dr-208-004.00-04.00-007.120, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $16.08.

Parcel 42.   Item #6156529, assessed to Nazneen Sultana, 15 Fox Lane-0208-015.00-02.00-002.021, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,666.22.

Parcel 43.   Item #6156541, assessed to Karen Puccio, 22 Southview Circle-0208-017.00-03.00-025.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $1,622.69.

Parcel 44.   Item #6152803, assessed to Adele Barczak, 6 Concerto Dr-0208-010.10-01.00-003.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $328.18.

Parcel 45.   Item #6152853, assessed to Irma & Joseph Fiscella, 96 Symphony Dr-0208-010.10-01.00-065.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $30.45.

Parcel 46.   Item #6039282, assessed to Kathleen Ryan Carlsson, 171 Symphony Dr-0208-010.10-01.00-116.000, 2023/2024 taxes, interest & charges $394.13.

Parcel 47.   Item #8023691, assessed to 14 Henkel Drive,LLC, 14 Henkel Drive-, 2023/2024 taxes, interest, & charges $1,013.30.

DATED: March 1, 2024

LAKE GROVE, N.Y., James Loeffler, Village Treasurer