PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to provisions of Article IX, Section 175-62 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove, a public hearing will be held at the Village Meeting Hall, 980 Hawkins Avenue, Lake Grove, New York on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the following application:

Case #24-06 Annette Grasso, residing at 10 Forest Avenue, Lake Grove, New York 11755 requests variances from Article XV, Section 175-98 B, Swimming Pools to install a (12 feet x 17 feet) semi-inground swimming pool, 5 feet from the rear property line and 5 feet from the side property line where 10 feet from the rear property line and the side property line is required and a variance from Article III, Section 175-14 Accessory Buildings and Structures to maintain a (8 feet x 10 feet) shed, 1.6 feet from the side property line where 5 feet is required and a variance from Article III, Section 175-9 Building Area to 1,284 square feet or 21.4% where the total Building Area shall not exceed 20% of the total lot area. Said property is located west side of Forest Avenue, 80 feet north of Ruby Lane. Map of Ronkonkoma Flower Field Estates. SCTM #208-03-01-03.

Case #24-07 Tiffani Weiss, residing at 4 Ralph Avenue, Lake Grove, New York 11755 requests a variance from Article XV, Section 175-98B, Swimming Pools to install a (15 feet x 24 feet) semi-inground swimming pool in front yard on corner lot. Said property is located south side of Ralph Avenue, corner west of Hawkins Avenue. Described Property. SCTM #208-24-05-07

Dated: July 9, 2024                                Robert Gaudioso, Chairman

Lake Grove, New York                            Zoning Board of Appeals