A Message from the Lake Grove Mayor
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I am incredibly happy to be addressing the state of our village at this time. As expected, savvy entrepreneurs are moving into our vacant buildings, anticipating the positive change in the culture of our business district due to the addition of Wegmans to our village. The new owners of the Good Steer property have done an amazing job renovating the building and the property for their nutritional food business, Hummus Fit, which will offer sit-down seating and walk-up take-out. While the new Dunkin’ Donuts is a welcome addition, the previous location, now Bagelati, offers us additional options for quality breakfast and lunch.
Stonybrook Medicine, located in the building previously occupied by Sears, is a convenient location for medical office visits and tests. This project is continuing, with phase two currently being built out.
Wegmans construction will wrap up in early November, but the store is not scheduled to open until after the holiday season. We are pleased that they chose our quaint village to be their first and possibly only Long Island store.
Our well-attended summer festival is fast approaching. As usual, it will be on the third Sunday of August, which is the 18th of the month. Our festival coordinating staff, headed up by trustee Richard Kick, somehow manages to make each year better than previous years. On the Friday and Saturday preceding the festival, we will have live bands from 7 to 9 p.m. I hope to see many of you at these amazing events.
Recently, we purchased the property adjoining Village Hall through a grant from Suffolk County. The once blighted property will now become part of the village complex for additional parking and the addition of a small playground area for our downtown district. Plans are underway to improve the aesthetics of the area by demolishing the structure and continuing the architectural appearance of the area.
Work is continuing on our new Department of Public Works building. As previously stated, this will provide a gathering place for our crew and shelter for most of our equipment when not in service to extend the life and performance of our fleet.
With all of the above being stated, I am pleased to report that the village, again this year, has been able to keep our taxes within the limits of the New York State tax cap. With the cost of everything rising rapidly, this is a major accomplishment. I want to thank our amazing staff and village board for all their input in making this happen. Our village taxes are historically extremely low compared to others. When you look at your tax bill and subtract all the garbage fees, you can see that we do a lot with very little. We will continue this trend into the near future to ease the burden on all of our residents with the cost of everything else around them rising.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Robert J. Scottaline, Mayor