Dear Neighbors,
As we navigate through these troubled times, I feel the need to say thank you to so many people. First and foremost, we are all grateful for the selfless actions and work ethic of our first responders and medical professionals.
Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, Ambulance Drivers, Police, Firefighters, Fire Marshals, and Code Officers, are those that have been on the front lines protecting us from the beginning of what has now become our daily reality.
Federal, State and local officials dealing with these events that are unprecedented during our tenure in public service are networking continually to create a critical balance of public safety and some form of normalcy. While we may not always agree, the communications continue for the best possible results and the safety of all.
We can’t overlook the contributions of all the residents of our local communities that have been doing what is necessary to slow the spread of this hideous virus. Together we have made incredible progress.
Recent events have brought additional complexities to an already difficult time. I want to thank everyone for the way we are dealing with these events locally and encourage all those involved to please follow CDC guidelines while exercising their rights to free speech and peaceful protest.
I am proud of the way most of our local communities have responded to the recent events leading up to where we are now. We have greatly reduced COVID-19 related cases by following the guidelines provided to us. We have been an example to our children and grandchildren on the right ways to express our views.
It is amazing what we can accomplish by working together for the good of all. Long Islanders are for the most part good people willing to help their neighbors in troubled times, just because it’s the right thing to do.
It always troubles me when people say how friendly and nice people are when you leave New York. Long Islanders and most New Yorkers are some of the finest people you will find anywhere.
Thank you again to all those people that keep doing the right things that benefit us all.
Robert J. Scottaline
Incorporated Village of Lake Grove