Dear Village Residents, Friends and Neighbors,
As we come to the end of another year, a year of uncertainty and new challenges, let’s reflect on the positive things from the last twelve months and those to come in the new year.
At this time, I along with the Village Board and staff would like to wish everyone the happiest holiday season possible.
We as a village are continuing to recover and grow from the pandemic and the economic hardships associated with it, and there are currently many exciting things in the works. We will see positive changes with new businesses and development. Empty buildings and storefronts will once again begin to thrive. We have not been sitting back to wait for the recovery, but rather have been pursuing, inviting, and welcoming new businesses and entities to become part of our community. In these endeavors we have been quite successful, and 2022 promises to be a very good year for our village.
We are fortunate to have the ability to expedite, in the most professional manner, all the applications, permits, and inspections required to be a part of our wonderful village. This new outlook in our business district will bring prosperity to Lake Grove, and value to the investments we have in our community, thus maintaining and increasing property values.
I am extremely optimistic for the future of our village. I want to thank everyone at Village Hall and all our residents that have supported us throughout the years and through this recent crisis.
Once again, happy holidays to all and best wishes for the New Year.
Robert Scottaline