Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I think we can declare Lake Grove’s 50thanniversary celebration a complete success. A great job was done by our committee and all of our volunteers. While at times it seemed as though Mother Nature was working against us, the beautiful complete rainbow that appeared at the end of the events on Sunday assured us it was just a test of our resolve and determination.
Saturday brought us a few heavy showers, heat and humidity, but the music never stopped. The crowd was unwavering and durable and the last band of the evening continued to play past the time they were scheduled for. All were having a wonderful time. Our DPW staff swept large puddles away, blocked possible unsafe areas with cones, and continued to show us why I consider them a staff that any municipality would be proud of.
Sunday morning brought us some mist for the 5K run and it looked ominous for the early hours. The moisture gave way to an overcast, lower humidity, cooler day that was perfect for the scheduled events. Hawkins Avenue was extremely lively with many craft and food vendors and those enjoying the festivities. Again we were treated to amazing entertainment provided by extremely talented bands. The final band of the day again requested to play longer as all were having a very good time.
Many have inquired about the possibility of a similar annual event that could be labeled “Lake Grove Fest”. It would likely be a one day event with the road closure, vendors, and music. I, along with the Village Board will explore our options and see if it is prudent to make that happen. It is certainly an opportunity to show our pride in our community to the surrounding areas. Lake Grove property values are rising and selling quickly.
There are so many people and organizations to thank and I can’t cover them all in this letter. Please pick up an event journal at Village Hall if you don’t already have one. Very special thanks go out to our local Suffolk County Police and Explorers, the Suffolk Sheriff’s Department, and both Centereach and Ronkonkoma fire departments. I also want to applaud QuickChek and 7-Eleven for their generosity and assistance the entire weekend.
We celebrated 50 years of being a successful Village. We recognized those that came before us that had the wisdom and fortitude to establish the Village and those past and present that have worked so hard to sustain what they started and make it even better.
It was a very, very successful event and celebration. Thanks again to all that made it possible. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as those that I had the pleasure of talking to during the weekend festivities.
Respectfully Yours,
Robert (Bob) Scottaline