NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the Planning Board of the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove to consider an application for an amendment to the site plan for Beechwood Management Company, LLC for approval of improvements to include an exterior dog walk area with approximately fifty-one (51) linear feet of six (6) foot solid PVC wood grain fence, with six (6) to seven (7) foot high evergreen arborvitae screening surrounding the proposed fence pursuant to Chapter 175, Article X of the Village Code (Section 7-728 of the N.Y.S. Village Law).
SAID PROPERTY is owned by Beechwood Lake Grove Management Company, LLC, 200 Robbins Lane, Suite D-1, Jericho, New York 11753 and is located Southeast corner of New York State Route 25 (Middle Country Road) and Parsnip Pond Road in the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove. Map of Beechwood at Lake Grove. Property classified as “J Business 2” Zoning District and “B Residence 1” Zoning District. SCTM #208-13-06-6.010
SAID HEARING will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Incorporated Village of Lake Grove meeting hall, 980 Hawkins Avenue in said Village, at which time all interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard.
DATED: October 18, 2024 by order of the Planning Board
Lake Grove, New York, Robert Schwartz, Chairman