Dear Neighbors,
I want to apologize for any inconvenience and/or confusion that recently occurred with our Village recycling efforts. As you may or may not have been aware, the Village had an inter-municipal agreement with the Town of Brookhaven for single-stream recycling. The contractor operating the facility for the Town had issues with the recycling entering the plant. Those purchasing the materials changed the specifications for the amount of allowable contamination. The buyers of the materials refused to accept what they once did. Single stream became problematic and was abandoned by those operating the plant. We are returning to dual-stream recycling.
The Town had very little notice of the changes that were to take place, and therefore gave short notice to all that send their recycling to them.
Once the Village was informed, we immediately put a plan together to notify our residents. Three robo-call messages were sent to those on our list to be notified by phone. All residents are welcome to be on that list. Please contact Village Hall for details (631-585-2000). A memo was placed on the Village website for those that look there for what’s happening in our community. The same memo was sent out to our printer. Unfortunately, the printer had delays and returned it later than promised. Once received, it was promptly delivered to the post office for mailing and was delayed yet again. The post office stated that they had an overwhelming amount of Amazon deliveries to be made. Our mailing was not delivered as expeditiously as we were told it would be and was sent out on a later date.
While this seems to have been what can be referred to as the “perfect storm,” I still apologize for any inconvenience that it might have caused during such a busy time of year. Going forward, we will continue to use as many forms of media as possible to get the word out to all of our residents. Communication is the key for any successful form of government, and we will do our best to always make you aware. Two-way communication is also very helpful and we appreciate you keeping us informed of any issues that you may have. Please check the website as often as you can for upcoming hearings, events, and informational memos.
As always, thank you for your support.
Robert J. Scottaline, Mayor